
The Nisqually Tribe’s Constitution and Bylaws were approved on Sept. 9, 1946, and amended in 1994. The Tribe operates as a self-governing entity, using resources from its own economic enterprises, as well as federal program dollars.


As the Constitution establishes, the Nisqually Tribe is governed by a General Council, comprising all enrolled tribal members at least 18 years old. From the General Council, an elected Tribal Council of seven members conducts the day-to-day business operation of the tribe.

The Nisqually Tribal Council


Ken Choke - Chairman
Antonette Squally - Vice Chairman
Jackie Whittington - Secretary
Norine Wells - Treasurer
Chris Olin - 5th Council
Guido Levy Jr. - 6th Council
Leighanna Scott - 7th Council
Derrick Sanchez - Sergeant of Arms


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dowloadicon_25x25.jpg Tribal Council Agenda Request Guests & Committee Form